Little Dragon Summer Camp



  1. 学生应按时到校上课。学生若不能来上课,应提前通知校方。
  2. 学生应尊敬老师,与同学友爱互助。不打架、不骂人,做一个有礼貌、守纪律、爱学习的学生。
  3. 学生有责任保持座位及教室的整洁,不得在桌椅、墙壁上涂鸦;不得破坏校舍财物,一经发现,应按价赔偿。
  4. 学生严禁在教室内吃食物、喝饮料。
  5. 学生不得带任何危险品来校,一经发现,立即没受。
  6. 学生在上课时应认真听讲,按时完成作业。不得随意讲话、大声喧哗,以影响他人听讲。在上课期间若要上厕所,先举手告诉老师。在课堂上和相关的学校活动期间,不允许用手机,玩电子游戏和玩具。
  7. 学生在课间休息期间,在教室、走廊等教学场所严禁追跑打闹,不得向窗外抛扔杂物。除非有家长陪同,不从其他出口出入教学楼。
  8. 为确保安全,放学后,低年级的学生应在教室等待家长前来。
  9. 学生因违反学校规定造成的任何意外,责任自负,学校不承担任何法律责任。
  10. 学生严重违规,学校劝阻后仍然无效,学校有权取消其学籍,学费概不退还。
  11. 在任何紧急情况下,都要听从老师的指挥。


  1. 老师应以严谨、认真负责、热情的教学态度对待学生,耐心帮助学生解答问题。
  2. 认真备课,认真批改作业。每课应有教案,按照制定的进度授课。如有特殊情形不能完成进度,可根据班级情况与校长协商。
  3. 老师应提前十分钟到校,做好课前准备。
  4. 老师应和家长随时保持联系,双方能更好地了解学生学习中文的情况。
  5. 老师因故不能来上课,应提前一周通知学校;因故要求离职,须提前两周通知学校。
  6. 学校鼓励、欢迎老师向学校提出任何有关改进教学的建议。
  7. 参加学校的教学活动是老师的责任之一。



  1. 家长应经常保持与学校的联系,以确保学生学习的顺利进行。
  2. 家长有责任督促学生完成作业,并根据学校的要求在作业上签字。
  3. 家长应提醒学生遵守学校规章制度,保持学校环境的整洁和公共财物的完好无损。
  4. 学生因故请假,家长应及时通知学校。
  5. 家长在注册时应填写清楚详细的资料,尤其在有任何变动或紧急事情时的联系方法。
  6. 学校鼓励、欢迎家长向学校提出任何有关改进教学的建议。
  7. 对年幼的学生,家长送来上课时应让老师看见他/她后才离开。
  8. 请告诉孩子不擅自出教学楼。若看到学生有危险动作,请立即加以制止和纠正;若看到学生 处于危险境 地,请立即设法抢救。在火警等紧急情况下,请协助老师及值班家长带领学生们安全撤出教学楼。
  9. 如果你的孩子有较为严重的健康问题,请至少留下一位家长在学校,以防出现意外情况。
  10. 若学生因故需要调换班级或家长想旁听老师授课,请与校长商谈。

Student Safety Agreement

The objective of this agreement between KCCSN and parents is to generate a safe environment for our students.

1. Parents have to “hand” in your kids to teachers in the classroom when you come, and are not allowed to leave the kids unattended in the classroom and outside of the building;

2. Parents have to “pick up” your kids in the classroom no later than 2: 00 pm, and should not have them wandering and running around the classrooms, stairs, hallways, and outside the building;

3. Parents of students taking culture classes have to be at school at 3:45 pm to transfer your kids to their respective cultural classes. Bring the pupils to the teachers, and you must not let pupils walk and wander around by them alone;

4. Students should never play in the courtyards, stairs, hallways, classrooms, and outside of the building, not even mention throwing stones. Please always keep in mind that our school is a place for education, not a playground;

5. Students who are caught playing and running in the classrooms, stairs, hallways, courtyards, and outside the building during school time will be warned and the parents will be notified for the first offense;

6. Parents or guardians are obligated to pay the full expenses of repairs that incur with any of their kids’ wrongdoing;

7. Any student who violates any of the following prohibited activity should be immediately dismissed from the camp. Parents will be called to pick up offending students.

a. Use of any weapon (knives, firearms or munitions, airsoft guns, etc.), fireworks or explosives of any kind, and any other items that could cause bodily harm or damage, is strictly prohibited in and near the campsite;
b. Use or possession of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, or tobacco products is strictly prohibited in and near the campsite;
c. Hazing, bullying, or any form of physical, emotional, sexual, and/or verbal harassment is strictly prohibited in and near the campsite;
d. Use of cameras, imaging, or digital devices in areas where privacy is expected, such as restrooms, is strictly prohibited in and near the campsite;
e. Destruction of the facility, furniture, equipment &, etc.
